We do our best not only in banking, but also in projects for society: we get involved in the life of the community, supporting education, art, culture, sports, health, country traditions, active and healthy lifestyle, volunteering and civic engagement.
We invest in PEOPLE and for people. We always tend to excel, in everything we do. We tend to be the Best TOGETHER and to be by your side, no matter what you do and wherever you are!

Every year, maib encourages the successes of students from the Republic of Moldova. Performance and meritocracy are highly appreciated in the project “Scholarships for Your Future”, implemented in partnership with the University Information Center, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. In the last 7 years, maib has awarded over 270 young scholars. In line with maib’s policy of corporate social responsibility, ensuring a fair access to university studies is also supported within the “Merit Scholarships” project, carried out for 24 years.

Maib contributes to the education of healthy financial values in the society, starting from the youngest generations. Maib has been supporting Junior Achievement Moldova since its foundation, contributing to the motivation and preparation of the young generation to successfully assert itself in the market economy.

Maib supports the development of the health system in the Republic of Moldova and the progress in the field of medicine. Maib’s support for this sector became exponentially visible during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021, when the bank made several donations to support medical staff and equip medical institutions with the equipment and consumables needed to fight the SARS-Cov-2 virus. In March 2020, maib donated MDL 500,000 to the Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Toma Ciorba”. In April 2021, MAIB made another worth MDL 50,000 to the “Valeriu Ghereg” Medical Foundation, being procured two devices for non-invasive BiPAP type ventilation.
In May 2021 maib chose to mark its 30th anniversary by offering a gift to society- intensive care medical equipment and devices worth MDL 1.000,000, donated to the Institute of Emergency Medicine and thus rewarding the community for choosing maib, confidence and development. The devices were purchased as a result of consultations with practitioners in the field of intensive care, useful and extremely necessary both in the period of COVID-19 and post-pandemic:
- 5 intermittent pneumatic compression devices for the prophylaxis of venous thrombosis- for the first time purchased in our country;
- 5 cannons of hot air for heating the patient (unique to IMU, in the country there were only 5 at the time of donation);
- 10 High Flow Oxygen Therapy devices.

For 30 years, maib has been acting responsibly for the sustainable development of the community, supporting over time the most important cultural projects in the country, including the “Maria Biesu” Festival, the “An Evening in the Park” and “Cucuteni International Art Camp” events. Maib invests in art and supports young talents, promoting the belief that the power of a society lies in education and culture.

Maib promotes the sporting spirit and Olympic values of the Republic of Moldova, contributes to the popularization of sport and the active and healthy lifestyle, supporting several projects and activities in this field. For over 20 years, maib has been a partner of the National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOS), with which it annually awards the Olympians who demonstrate performance at various competitions in the national and international arena. Through the prism of the internal communities formed by the bank’s employees (football, tennis, volleyball, runners “maib Active to the Superlative”), the bank aims to inspire the society to adopt the most healthy and active lifestyle.

Maib has been a partner of Hospice Angelus Moldova for over a decade, through its corporate social responsibility policy investing in social projects and community support. In recent years, the bank has provided support in carrying out several of the organization’s initiatives, with the certainty that “Involvement makes a difference.”
In 2019 and 2020, maib supported the social projects carried out at the initiative of CCF Moldova (Child, Community, Family Moldova): Run for Children and #700 minuni, projects designed to support children from disadvantaged families.
During the internal charity campaigns, maib employees regularly support the children hospitalised in the Pediatrics, Metabolic Disorders, Malnutrition and Resuscitation Department of the „Emilian Cotaga” Hospital, who come from disadvantaged families, support the urges to redirect 2% of the income tax to support non-governmental organizations, and act with care and responsibility in the community.

National traditions are the business card of any people, and their promotion is up to each individual. We support the wine culture during the National Wine Day. On International Ie Day, an element included in the UNESCO Heritage, we usually urge employees and customers to proudly wear the national blouse. Martisor, the symbol of spring in Moldova that talks about our country all over the world, is worn on the chest by the maib team in the first month of the season. On National Days- Independence Day and Romanian Language Day, we like to celebrate national values and talk about the importance of promoting them whenever and wherever we are.

Because we care about the environment in which we live, in 2021, the maib decided to get involved in the issue of deforestation in the Republic of Moldova, initiating a new project of social responsibility, namely “the maib Forest”.
In the locality of Cruzesti near the capital, 200 employees of the bank and their families have planted 3000 red oak, elm, horn, ash, acacia, maple and 800 pins, the forest being planted in the form of the bank logo.
The “maib Forest” promises to be a plantation that will primarily help stabilize the soil, act as a protective strip for the agricultural land, and bring value to the locality.
We are committed to planting good deeds and acting with care for the environment!