maib business

the new internet banking for business
one user for all companies
bank statement for the last 2 years
templates from the current platform
one click for the 1st and 2nd signature
maib business


Secure, 24/7 access to company accounts

maib business is the online banking app for business that provides:

  • 24/7 secure access to company finances
  • multiple functionalities, improved continuously
  • innovative digital opportunities


New internet banking for business is available:


web application

minimum iOS 16.4 version

minimum Android 8.0 version


Benefits for your business

one user for access to all managed companies

open a current account immediately

salary payment directly from the current account

automatic formation of the payment destination to exclude rejection

new, more intuitive and user-friendly interface

multiple functionalities, essential for a successful business

transparency for every commission charged

2FA (authentication factors) for account security

24/7 access to financial information wherever you are




list of new functionalities available in the web version as of 01.04.2024
  1. Import of payments from xls, csv, txt, dbf files;
  2. Wage payments;
  3. Opening current account;
  4. One-step signature (users holding both signatures (I, II) will just click to apply both signatures);
  5. Display list of business cards (cardholders, available balance, expiry date).
list of new functionalities available in the web version as of 01.10.2023
  1. Scheduled payments (setting a payment processing frequency);
  2. Foreign exchange payments;
  3. Recording of documents related to foreign exchange payments;
  4. Payments to Transnistria;
  5. Signing payments with maib certification;
list of functionalities available in the web version as of 20.04.2023
  1. Ordinary payments in Moldovan lei (MDL);
  2. Budget payments to the Treasury;
  3. Transfer between own accounts;
  4. Transfer between own accounts in foreign currency (FOREX);
  5. Viewing accounts and extracting bank data of the respective accounts;
  6. Viewing account statement and sharing/ extracting it;
  7. Viewing the list and location of maib branches, agencies, ATMs;
  8. Availability of customer configurable currency calculator;
  9. View activity logs from your company;
  10. Setting limits on users, accounts;

frequent questions

Fill in the form or call 1314.

You will receive your login details by email and a temporary password on your phone. Go to in your browser:
Step 1: Enter your login, received by email.
Step 2: Enter your temporary password, received on your phone. The temporary password, which we recommend that you write down, not copy it (as extra characters can be copied).
Step 3: You receive your unique access code by SMS and enter it in the dedicated space.
The video here will help.

To reset your password, including if you have locked your account after five unsuccessful login attempts, you can use the Forgot password option available on the login page.
Following the password reset action, you will automatically receive a new password by text message to your phone. The password will need to be changed to a personal password.
The password must meet several conditions:

  • be longer than 8 alphanumeric characters;
  • it must contain characters that meet at least three of the following criteria: lower case, upper case, digits and special characters (e.g. !"%&()+,-./:;<=>?@_~);
  • not be intuitive (e.g. "aaaabbbb", "01234567")

If you hold the first and second signatures simultaneously according to your access rights, you can sign transactions created via maib business with a single click. You take one action, and the system applies both signatures according to access rights to determine the validity of a payment order.

To log in with just your login and password, you need to switch off the second authentication factor by doing the following:       Step 1: Go to your profile icon in the right corner of the home page, right next to the icon, to change the language of the app;
Step 2: Uncheck the second authentication factor;
Step 3: Validate the deactivation by entering the SMS code received on your phone number.

  • at the bank's cash desk if you have a passport, for those who have the right to replenish the account, according to the card with specimen signatures;
  • at self-service terminals;
  • at CDM terminals for cash collection;
  • at ATMs, with use of technology by the cardholder cash-in by cod at maibank.
  • via e-wallet (Google/Apple/Garmin Pay) in ATMs with NFC technology;
  • via e-wallet (Google/Apple/Garmin Pay) at maib POS terminals and cash desks

become an active maib business user

fill in the fields below and we will be back with details

we guarantee the security of the information provided when completing the online application
thank you!


Within 24 hours you have the possibility to submit a single application. There is already a pending request registered on your behalf. Come back later to submit another request.

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